Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Unique Influence of Robert Frosts Work - 894 Words

Robert Frost is a very well-known poet. Many people were and still are influenced by him and his works. There were different things going on in his life that sometimes impacted his writing, but it never changed the result of his fine works. There are several things that make Frost famous and unique from others. Several people were influences in Frost’s life. His father was a journalist but died when Frost was only ten years old. His mother then took the family to Lawrence, Massachusetts where they had recently lived for generations (Stern). All of the craftsmen jobs he had growing up influenced his later writing. He attended Harvard with the intention of teaching Latin, but he bought a poultry farm instead to live there and write poetry (Hunt 1612). When Frost married and moved to Great Britain, he met several British poets who encouraged him. Edward Thomas, who died in World War One, was one of them. The other poet he met was Ezra Pound; he also was encouraged by her. A poet named Allen Ginsberg admired Frost, even though Frost would not of approved of his poetry. English poets such as Lascelles Abercrombie and T.E. Hulme were also influences in his life (â€Å"Monkeyshines on America†). Frost was one of the first to establish and hold a university position. He also encouraged young poets by creating a summer program called Bread Loaf (Stern). Frost’s family raised poultry on a farm near Derry, New Hampshire for nine years. It influenced Frost to take ownership of the farm toShow MoreRelatedRobert Frost Essay1396 Words   |  6 PagesRobert Frost Robert Frost is one of the few twentieth century poets to receive critical acclaim and popular acceptance (Magill 728). His simplistic style appeals to the novice and expert poetry reader alike. Robert Frosts understated emotional appeal attracts readers of all literary levels. Frost develops subtly stated emotions and a clever use of imagery in his poetry. Influences on his poetry include his family, work, and other life experiences (Oxford 267). Frost also works to developRead MoreRobert Frost s Writing Style1589 Words   |  7 Pages Robert Frost once said, â€Å"The figure a poem makes. It begins in delight and ends in wisdom... in a clarification of life - not necessarily a great clarification, such as sects and cults are founded on, but in a momentary stay against confusion† (Robert Frost Quotes). This same kind of thinking opened the door for metaphorical poetry that helped to show the poets transparency. His love for the social outcast and the struggles of his life are exhibited greatly in his poems. Robert Frost helpedRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost1297 Words   |  6 Pagesfeelings that inspired the poet at the time. The poem I’ll be unveiling is â€Å"The Road Not Taken† by Robert Frost, one of the most well-known poets of the modern literature movement. He lived most of his life in America but moved to the UK a few years before World War 1. (Schmoop, 2008). Frost is known for pioneering the idea that poetry deserves to be spoken out loud, using rhythm and meter, giving his work a traditional ambiance. The title ‘The Road Not Taken’ suggests there is no â€Å"right† path, onlyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Flea By John Donne1033 Words   |  5 PagesAcknowledgement I feel Robert Frost’s statement, â€Å"the one permissible way of saying one thing and meaning another†, is heavily utilized within Poetry. Poets, like Mr. Frost, practiced this to confuse our minds into pondering on the subject matter as well as to offset our assumed understandings therefore allowing us to explore other possible conclusions. Robert Frost’s definition of poetry is undoubtedly accurate as proven by analysis of other poet’s works where his insight had noticeable influence. For exampleRead MoreA Brief Biography of Robert Lee Frost1119 Words   |  5 Pages Final Copy Robert Lee Frost was born March 26th 1874 in San Francisco California. He was born to parents William Prescott Frost and Isabelle Moodie. His father was a teacher and later an editor of the San Francisco Evening Bulletin, which later merged with the San Francisco Examiner, following his death on May 5, 1885, the family uprooted and moved across the country to Lawrence, Massachusetts with ‘Robert’s’ Grandfather. After graduating from Lawrence High School in 1892, Robert attended DartmouthRead MoreAnalyzing Robert Frosts Mending Wall1475 Words   |  6 PagesAnalyzing Robert Frost’s â€Å"Mending Wall† Robert Frost was born in San Francisco, California on March 26th in 1874. Robert Frost s personal life was filled with grief and insecurities. When he was 11, his father died of tuberculosis, his mother died of cancer years after, and his sister was confined into a mental institution where she also later died. Elinor and Robert Frost had six children together. One of their sons died of cholera, one son committed suicide, one of their daughters died afterRead MoreAnalysis Of Robert Frost s Home Burial And The Death Of The Hired Man 2384 Words   |  10 Pages THESIS STATEMENT Robert Frost, an American poet during the Nineteenth Century, Modernist Era, displayed the issues of realism through his life issues of death and spousal relations through his poems: â€Å"Home Burial† and â€Å"The Death of the Hired Man†. INTRODUCTION Robert Frost’s inspiration for his poetry derived from much of his life and the historical events that surrounded him. American literary critic, Harold Bloom wrote in his Bloom’s Major Poets, â€Å"Robert Frost is one of the major American poets†¦inRead MoreComparing the Poetry of John Keats and Robert Frost1454 Words   |  6 PagesJohn Keats was a British Romantic poet who helped to develop and influence the he second generation of Romantic poets in the 19th century. Keats poetry has been characterized by its ode structure and high use of imagery. Like many Romantics, Keats was inspired by his environment and prized imagination about rational thought. In When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be, written in 1818 and published posthumously in 1848, Keats use natural imagery to explore and come to terms with his fear of dyingRead MoreThe Use of Imagery in Preludes by T.S. Eliot Essay707 Words   |  3 Pagesuses words that bring a certain picture to the mind, he also describes humans by their body parts or their presence. His unique syntax and use of rhythm also heighten the effects of his poetry. His attitude towards this world is summed up in the last two stanzas. Eliots imagery achieves its effect through his use of literal imagery, word choice, descriptions of the human influence, syntax, and rhythm. His attitude is one of total indifference, towards this world. Eliot uses literal imagery in PreludesRead MoreElements Of Romanticism In Keats AndThe Wild Swans At Coole1602 Words   |  7 Pagesshare elements of Romanticism, melancholy, feelings of weariness, and other key ideas, images, and plots as â€Å"Ode to a Nightingale† and thus, â€Å"The Wild Swans at Coole† strengthens Keats’ initial ideas in a harmonic and resonant fashion using its own unique methods. As a response to Keatsian Romanticism, Yeats revises the ideas surrounding transcendence of nature, passion, and human understanding by turning the focus from not only the romanticized past and traditions, but also to the philosophical, potential

Monday, December 16, 2019

College Athlete Compensation College Athletes - 2251 Words

College Athlete Compensation When the topic of college comes up, many things come to mind. Those are the glory days for most of us. The college parties, the struggle to find a balance between having fun and maintaining a good GPA, and not to mention the amazing athletic departments that colleges offer. Everyone enjoys sports but does anyone ever stop to wonder how much goes into the preparation for those games? There’s much more effort that’s put into it other than just showing up for practice. It’s definitely a lot more work than your average college student which is why the question of whether or not college athletes should get paid comes up. Football alone brings in millions of dollars a year; and with all of that money floating around, it comes as a surprise that the athletes that put in the work are receiving nothing. Many people think that a scholarship at a high end university is more than enough compensation for playing a simple sport. Time is money, ever yone has heard this at least once in their lives. When it comes to college sports, it is more than relatable, depending on what side of the fence somebody is on. It has been estimated that your typical student athlete spends an average of 40 or more hours a week at practice. Most full time jobs offer 40 hours a week to their employees; some might say being a college athlete is a full time job. Take the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) for example, their practices are far more intense and are takenShow MoreRelatedCollege Athlete Compensation : College Athletes2260 Words   |  10 PagesCOLLEGE ATHLETE COMPENSATION When the topic of college comes up, many things come to mind. Those are the glory days for most of us. The college parties, the struggle to find a balance between having fun and maintaining a good GPA, and not to mention the amazing athletic departments that colleges offer. Everyone enjoys sports but does anyone ever stop to wonder how much goes into preparing for those games? There’s very much work that goes in the preparation of a student athlete other than just showingRead MoreCollege Athletes Financial Compensation4427 Words   |  18 Pagesmodify the current NCAA amateurism by law 12.02.1 making it feasible for college athletes to receive financial compensation. The primary issue with the current regulation is that because of the rule many student athletes are living in poverty like conditions. The current by law is also affecting various aspects of domestic and International students ability to continue to meet eligibility requirements. In the past ten years college a thletics as a whole has grown exponentially and it’s clearly evidentRead MoreCollege Athletes Deserve Compensation Essay861 Words   |  4 Pagesothers prefer college. The only difference between professional and college athletics is the lack of payment to student athletes. The National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) receives millions of dollars in revenue from college mens basketball and football, and college coaches of top schools are paid the same amount as professional coaches. Fans of both college and professional athletes can proudly show their commitment by purchasing jerseys or other merchandise. College basketball andRead MoreCollege Athletes Need Support Not Compensation1284 Words   |  6 Pages College Athletes Need Support Not Compensation Before entering college, high school athletes work very hard honing their skills, hoping for college recruiters come to their games to scout them. Parents are hoping that their athlete child gets a full scholarship to college which will unburden their parents and give their child an open door of opportunities to become successful. Once in college, the student works even harder training sometimes multiple times a day and even playing on a nationalRead MoreCollege Athletes Receiving Compensation For Their Efforts1644 Words   |  7 Pages Emily Zatopek once said, â€Å"An athlete cannot run with money in his pockets. He must run with hope in his heart and dreams in his head.† This is relevant to the controversy that surrounds college athletes receiving compensation for their efforts in sports. College athletics have gained much attention and popularity over the past few decades. Due to these actions by sports fans across the United States, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is bringing in huge amounts of money yearRead MoreHigher Compensation for Higher Education: Paying College Athletes1749 Words   |  7 Pages2011 College Athletes: Higher Compensation for Higher Education? Division 1 athletes have it all: the glory of representing the school’s colors and honor, the pretty girls, televised games, and most have room and board along with classes paid for. Some think that all this is not enough for these young players; they deserve to be paid for their dedication and hard work. This is a very controversial topic because there is such a fine line between professional athletes and amateur athletes. CollegeRead MoreCollege Athletes Should Get Some Type Of Compensation1946 Words   |  8 PagesHigh Risk Low Reward The debate on whether college athletes should get some type of compensation has been an ongoing one. A documentary which aired on the EPIX channel entitled â€Å"Schooled: The Price of College Sports†, shows the evolution of college athletics and how it became what it is now. With the creation of the term â€Å"student athletes† in the 1950s by Walter Bayers, student athletes were forced to give their labor for the sake of the NCAA. The term, as expressed by some of the interviewers inRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1435 Words   |  6 PagesThere is a debate on whether college athletes should be paid. It has been known that the fewer scholarships given to student-athletes increase their competiveness on the field, which shows us that keeping money away from student-athletes makes them more competitive (Baird 2). There is also a case that student-athletes are being robbed because they are not receiving compensation for their own likeness (Holthaugh JR. 1). Tel evision networks are paying millions for the rights to show big games on TVRead MoreCollege Athletes Should Not Be Paid1527 Words   |  7 Pageshand, one which is a college student receiving a free education, isn’t paid for nearly doing the same kind of work. Many people would argue that it’s not fair that college athletes aren’t being paid for bringing in millions of dollars to the institution they play for, putting their lives in danger to play the sports, and missing tons of class to prepare for their sports games without being paid. Those who argue against the compensation of athletes would say that most college and universities don’tRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid? Essay1519 Words   |  7 Pagesof thought currently cycling throughout media circles is the definition and compensation of college student-athletes. Some colleges and universities provide student-athletes with complete or partially-paid tuition expenses, lodging, books, and ot her educational incidentals while the athlete plays sports at their institution. Many advocates for fair market compensation for college athletes argue that some Division 1 athletes â€Å"labor under very strict or arduous conditions, so they really are laborers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

2pac Essay Example For Students

2pac Essay Tupac Shakur grew up around nothing but self-delusion. His mother, Alice Faye Williams, thought she was a revolutionary. She called herself Afeni Shakur and associated with members of the ill-fated Black Panther Party, a movement that wanted to feed school kids breakfast and earn civil rights for African Americans. During her youth she dropped out of high school, partied with North Carolina gang members, then moved to Brooklyn: After an affair with one of Malcolm Xs bodyguards, she became political. When the mostly white United Federation of Teachers went on strike in 1968, she crossed the picket line and taught the children herself. After this she joined a New York chapter of the Black Panther Party and fell in with an organizer named Lumumba. She took to ranting about killing the pigs and overthrowing the government, which eventually led to her arrest and that of twenty comrades for conspiring to set off a race war. Pregnant, she made bail and told her husband, Lummuba, it wasnt hi s child. Behind his back she had been carrying on with Legs (a small-time associate of Harlem drug baron Nicky Barnes) and Billy Garland (a member of the Party). Lumumba immediately divorced fer. Things went downhill for Afeni: Bail revoked, she was imprisoned in the Womens House of Detention in Greenwich Village. In her cell she patted her belly and said, This is my prince. He is going to save the black nation.By the time Tupac was born on June 16, 1971, Afeni had already defended herself in court and been acquitted on 156 counts. Living in the Bronx, she found steady work as a paralegal and tried to raise her son to respect the value of an education. From childhood, everyone called him the Black Prince. For misbehaving, he had to read an entire edition of The New York Times. But she had no answer when he asked about his daddy. She just told me, I dont know who your daddy is. It wasnt like she was a slut or nothin. It was just some rough times.When he was two, his sister, Sekyiwa, was born. This childs father, Mutulu, was a Black Panther who, a few months before her birth, had been sentenced to sixty years for a fatal armored car robbery. With Mutulu away, the family experienced hard times. No matter where they moved-the Bronx, Harlem, homeless shelters-Tupac was distressed. I remember crying all the time. My major thing growing up was I couldnt fit in. Because I was from everywhere. I didnt have no buddies that I grew up with.As time passed, the issue of his father tormented him. He felt unmanly, he said. Then his cousins started saying he had an effeminate face. I dont know. I just didnt feel hard. I could do all the things my mother could give me, but she couldnt give me nothing else.The loneliness began to wear on him. He retreated into writing love songs and poetry. I remember I had a book like a diary. And in that book I said I was going to be famous. He wanted to be an actor. Acting was an escape from his dismal life. He was good at it, eager to leave his crummy family behind. The reason why I could get into acting was because it takes nothin to get out of who I am and go into somebody else.His mother enrolled him in the 127th Street Ensemble, a theater group in the impoverished Harlem section of Manhattan, where he landed his first role at age twelve, that of Travis in A Raisin in the Sun. I lay on a couch and played sleep for the first scene. Then I woke up and I was the only person onstage. I can remeber thinking, This is the best shit in the world! That got me real high. I was gettin a secret: This is what my cousins cant do.In Baltimore, at age fifteen, he fell into rap; he started writing lyrics, walking with a swagger, and milking his background in New York for all it was worth. People in small towns feared the Big Apples reputation; he called himself MC New York and made people think he was a tough guy. He enrolled in the illustrious Balitomore School for the Arts, where he studied acting and ballet with white kids and finally felt in touch with himself. Them white kids had things we never seen, he said. That was the first time I saw there was white people who you could get along with. Before that, I just believed what everyone else said: They was devils. But I loved it. I loved going to school. It taught me a lot. I was starting to feel like I really wanted to be an artist. By the time he was twenty, Shakur had been arrested eight times, even serving eight months in prison after being convicted of sexual abuse. In addition, he was the subject of two wrongful-death lawsuits, one involving a six-year-old boy who was killed after getting caught in gang-war crossfire between Shakurs gang and a rival group. In the late eighties, Shakur teamed up with Humpty-Hump (a.k.a. Eddie Humphrey, a.k.a. Gregory Shock-G Jacobs) and other Oakland-based rappers to create Digital Underground, a band intent on massive bass beats and frenetic, Parliament-Funkadelic-style rhythms. In 1990, the group released its debut and best album, Sex Packets, a pulsating testament to the boogie power of hip-hop, featuring two classic tracks, Humpty Dance and Doowutchyalike. After an EP of re- mixes in 1991, D.U. released Sons of the P and, the following year, The Body-Hat Syndrome, all on Tommy Boy Records. In 1992, Shakur entered a most fruitful five-year period. He broke free of D.U. and made his solo debut, 2Pacalypse Now, a gangsta rap document that put him in the notorious, high-speed lane to stardom. That same year he starred in Juice, an acclaimed low-budget film about gangs which saw some Hollywood success. In 1993, he recorded and released Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z., an album that found Shakur crossing over to the pop charts. Unfortunately, he also found himself on police blotters, when allegations of a violent attack on an off-duty police officer and sexual misconduct arose. The same year, Shakur played a single father and Janet Jacksons love interest in the John Singleton film Poetic Justice. In November of 1994, he was shot five times during a robbery in which thieves made off with $40,000 worth of his jewelry. Shakur miraculously recovered from his injuries to produce his most impressive artistic accomplishments, including 1995s Me Against the World, which sold two million copies, and the double-CD All Eyez on Me, which sold nearly three million. As his career arc began a steep rise toward fame and fortune, Shakur was shot (most say suspiciously) and killed after watching a Mike Tyson fight with Death Row Records president Marion Suge Knight. Though his death was a jolt to his fans and the music community, Shakur himself often said that he expected hed die by the sword before he reached thirty. Following his passing, Shakurs label released an album, The Don Killuminati, under the pseudonym Makaveli. The cover depicted Shakur nailed to a cross under a crown of thorns, with a map of the countrys major gang areas superimposed on it. In January of 1997, Gramercy pictures released Gridlockd, a film in which Shakur played the role of a drug addict to mostly good reviews. His final film, Gang Related, was released in 1997, and Death Row is sa id to have several unreleased recordings in the vaults for potential Words/ Pages : 1,266 / 24

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Resident Assistant Application Essay free essay sample

RA position and what skills you possess that make you a good candidate for the position. My interest in a Resident Assistant position comes from my desire to help. I was born with a very strong sense of empathy and if I see that a person is struggling I do all that I can do to alleviate them. Whether It Is a person with a learning disability who struggled in class to the welded in high school who Just wanted a friend, Ive been there for them.Nothing is more painful to me than seeing a person being mistreated, under respected or neglected ND I do all I can to protect people from this. My goal is to make every person feel as If they have someone on their side, someone rooting for them and someone who cares about them. To me, nothing Is more rewarding than to be that someones someone. We will write a custom essay sample on Resident Assistant Application Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I believe that all people, no matter their pasts, deserve this. As a Resident Assistant, I feel that my helpful nature will be put to good use.I want to be there for students who need advice, who need a friend, who need help getting settled into their new lives. For many, the transition into college Is not an easy one and I feel that s a Resident Assistant I can be of great support to any and all who need it. 2) Personal Management If hired as a Resident Assistant, how will you balance the demands of being a student, meeting expectations of the position, and malignantly a social life? If offered the position, outside of academics, what time commitments would you have?If hired, dont see time management being a problem for me. I know my responsibilities as a student and an employee are a priority and I dont mind making social sacrifices to meet expectations placed on me by a professor or an employer. I am self-disciplined ND motivated and through these I am able to use my time In a proactive and productive way. I am very time-oriented and hate being late so I conduct myself in a way to assure that all my have tots are met before my want tots. To keep my life running smoothly, I like to keep a weekly Priority List.My list consists of all the tasks need to complete that week by order of their urgency. By keeping a schedule of what I need to accomplish I am able to optimize my time in a way so that I can fulfill my responsibilities in a timely manner. Even with my vigorous work-ethic, I do believe that personal and social time is a necessity as well. I do not fear that a commitment to being a Resident Assistant will hinder my personal and social obligations so greatly that it would deter my interest in the position. 3) Leadership Talk about the importance of leading by example.Give an example of a role model In your life and why they are that person for you. Being the oldest of 3 daughters, I have always held the responsibility of setting a good example for my younger sisters. I believe that the way I can be most influential in impacting the way my sisters live their lives by showing them through actions how I chose to live mine. I chose to lead n exemplary life with the hope that in doing so my sisters will learn how to live theirs. Leading by example is one way of showing that actions speak louder than words. If I live admirably, then others will be more likely to follow my example so that is what I have always tried to do. Growing up, my role model was my older cousin 1 OFF a varsity member of her high schools dive team, she was beautiful and fashionable, she had a really cute boyfriend, she was confident in her abilities, she had a million friends and a great relationship with her mother and father. People naturally flock to Brittany like a magnet. To me she could do nothing wrong. I thought that Brittany had known some magical secret to life that allowed her to reach such success in all aspects of her life.I purposefully chose to live like she did by being faithful to my obligations and by being friendly, open and honest. Looking back on the impact Brittany had on shaping my life, I hope to be that to someone else. By living my life intentionally, I hope that others will follow suit. 4) Community Development What is the importance of community? Please talk about your experience with working with diverse groups of people and how you interact with others that are efferent from you in a community setting. Community is the difference between being and belonging.It is Just too easy to Just be a part of a group, but to feel like you belong to the group is far more meaningful. You can go to the meetings and know everyones names but none of that means anything if you dont feel that you are a significant component in a group. To be a part of a community means that you are a part of group where inclusion, support and friendship are highly-regarded. The beauty about community is that everyone has their own gifts, talents, opinions and experiences to offer to it, therefore making each member valuable. As a Resident Assistant, I intend to create an inclusive community in which each person is accepted and encouraged regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual-orientation or ability. By promoting diversity in my community, I hope that everyone gains a sense of belonging. In my community, I will have an open mind and tolerant attitude and will encourage my residents to do the same. Because understanding that no two residents are the same, I will conduct myself through equity. I will try to learn about my residents individually so if the ever require my help, I know how to successfully assist them.For example, I cannot assist an introvert the same way I would an extrovert and expect the same method to work on both. I understand that one size doesnt fit all and I plan on being sensitive to individualism so my residents feel as comfortable as possible in their new community. 5) Creating Relationships How do you plan to build personal relationships with all of your residents? (Please provide specific examples of ways you intend to do this). Why are these relationships important?Encouraging and establishing relationships with my residents will be my main priority if hired as a Resident Assistant. My greatest hope is that my residents will feel welcome to UNC. I believe that my residents will benefit very much from relationships with their fellow residents and with myself and my goal is to promote the formation of these relationships. By forming relationships with the people who live with and around them, my residents will have an enriched experience at UNC because they know they can always rely on their friends when life gets tough.If they become home-sick, if they need help studying, if they need someone to take their mind of their stresses these relationships will prove to be vital. I wish that no matter what they are struggling with, my residents never feel alone but instead feel like they are a unique and important member of a community. I plan to have a monthly (or by- weekly) event called Cafe © RA where my residents can meet and mingle with myself and breakfast goodies. I hope this will encourage my residents to form lasting relationships with myself and their neighbors that will help them feel like they belong. ) Teamwork Please talk about your experience with working in a team. Why is it important to work with others and how would you interact with your fellow staff members? My last Job was at a preschool where I was employed as a Teachers Aide. I worked in Green Room with three teachers and two other aides. Green Room was one of five rooms in the facility and every room had their own set of teachers and aides. Teamwork was exercised every day by all staff members. Coordination, communication and support between the staff were crucial to its success.The school accommodated around 200 kids each day during the summer and the school was so small it could barely hold everyone. With so many kids and so little capacity, coordination between the rooms was a fragile balancing act. No one would do anything without getting consent from their fellow staffers to ensure that everyones needs were met. In order to be a successful member of staff, you really needed to have a teamwork mentality. My experience at the preschool helped me acquire this.I learned the importance of communication for one, but I also learned what it means to be a member of a team. As a member of a team, everyone must have the same goal. Some members of the team may try to reach the goal in a way that you dont agree with, but it doesnt mean they are wrong. Sometimes a teammate must make sacrifices in order to benefit the libeling of the team and not because they know they will be compensated for it but because they know it is good for the collective good. Also I learned the importance of respect of teammates.All members of the team can reach their common goal if teammates were respectful and courteous to each other and never wavered in their mission. Teamwork is so, so important because alone we cannot do near as much as we could do when we work together. 7) Departmental Values Look at the six values of the department of Housing ; Residential Education. Please pick one and describe why it is important in the Resident Assistant position. If hired as a Resident Assistant, my priority will to promote an inclusive community.My transition into college was blissfully easy thanks to my wonderful Resident Assistant and my fellow residents. I immediately felt important and welcome. I fell in love with this university, and I give full credit to my community for that. Because of the friendly and inclusive community I was given, my experience at UNC was made perfect. I want more than anything for my future residents to have a similar experience. I wish they could see all the good that this place as to offer and I feel that I could really help hem in finding it.