Thursday, January 2, 2020

Central America Vs Southern America Sexual Child Abuse

Central America vs Northern America Sexual Child Abuse The sexual child abuse issue has become of significance within the United States as an alarming focus in the past 30 years. Sexual child abuse (SCA) is such an extensive topic and yet as time progresses this subject is more unrestricted for discussion, various dialogs are provided to make parents and care-takers aware of the signs of potential sexual child abuse. Seminars are provided to and for children to teach methods in identifying any possible perpetrators and report any peculiar behavior they may come across. However, how fortunate are children from other countries in reporting or discussing this same issue when something so violated occurs to them? According to Alpert, J.L., Brown, L.S., Courtois, C.A., (1998), there have been findings that are constant in supporting that at least 20% of American women and 5% to 10% of American men have experienced some type of sexual abuse in childhood and that such abuse has transpir ed without regard to origin, race, or socioeconomic status. In an urban study however, which concentrated in Leon, Nicaragua, determined that sexual abuse defined childhood and adolescence as younger than age 19 Olsson, A., Ellsber, E., Berglund, S., Herrera, A., Zelaya, E., Pena, R., Zelaya, F., Persson, L.A. (2000). Additionally, according to the Nicaraguan study sexual abuse was described as any sexual act by an older individual towards a child who is 12 years of age or younger.Show MoreRelatedA Research Project On Immigration Detention Centers9708 Words   |  39 Pages Immigration Detention Centers, A Haven of Abuse A Research Project Submitted to the Faculty of National University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of: Bachelor of Science in Homeland Security and Emergency Management May 2017 By Hugh H. Scully II Instructor: James Sytsma â€Æ' SENIOR RESEARCH PROJECT APPROVAL FORM I certify that I have read the project of Hugh H. Scully II entitled instructions for the preparation of the Senior Research Project and that, in my opinion;Read MoreSocial And Cultural Diversity : Beyond Racism3572 Words   |  15 Pagesthem because I know some who do, don?t assimilate. 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